
31/03/2015 „Georgian Water and Power“ will send the residents of Tbilisi SMS reminders to pay the water bills


Georgian Water and Power company has introduced one more novelty. From now on the residents of Tbilisi are going to receive reminders of the deadlines to pay the current water bills. Information related to the water bills’ payment will be sent to the customers in advance, 2-3 days prior, beginning from 15:00 of each working day.   The SMS notifications will also be sent to the customers in arrears. In such cases the SMS notifications will specify the customer indebtedness.


According to head of the Billing Department of the company Giorgi Sulaberidze, this new service of GWP will be comfortable and beneficial for the customers   under the conditions of the payments’ consolidated administration system. As he said this service will minimize the ambiguity related to the payment of bills in the timely manner and exclude the possibility of electricity supply discontinuation as much as possible.    


As to the customers who accumulated debts due to the water bills nonpayment, they can go to the district service centers of the Company to agree favorable terms for the debt repayment in 36 or more months on the basis of the corresponding agreement. 


Georgian Water and Power recommends the residents of Tbilisi to use the Company’s free and comfortable service and be registered for the receipt of SMS notifications at the website:
As to the customers without access to the internet they can undergo registration at the district service centers of GWP. 

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